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Hope dies last

A Poem by Jaanvi Veluguleti.

The best art museums

Maeve was drunk all the time.
Tonight, was not an exception. She drove trucks for a living. Her father and mother were kind enough to give birth to her, not realizing that they had to take care of her until she was eighteen. Long story short, they took the easy way out.

The devil is in the details

Many ancient civilizations believed that butterflies were symbols of the human soul. In some cultures it was believed that a new human soul was born each time an adult butterfly emerged from its cocoon; in other cultures, butterflies were also considered to be the souls of those who had passed away. Because of this belief that the human soul took the form of a butterfly, they were often viewed with great respect and sometimes with fear.

Myth & Religion
Myth & Religion
An inde­struc­tible hope

It has now become the primary source of entertainment globally. What was erstwhile considered to be a subset of sports has now arisen as a complete industry in itself. Since the time animated pixel have made an appearance on our screens, the online gaming industry has been on an upward trajectory with developers on a mission to create a truly immersive world. With tech advancements, we are moving closer to a world where blocky scenes are turned into photo-like depictions which are almost lifelike.

Street art festival

The United Kingdom - A Developed Country with a rich long history and one of the largest growing economies in the world. With a GDP per capita well above 40,000 USD and a GDP over 3 Trillion USD, The United Kingdom certainly had the potential to break it into the top 3 largest economies in the world. But things haven't been going well in recent times for the UK. Firstly, BREXIT wreaked havoc for them, and Russia-Ukraine's war has added to the misery.

Through the eyes of street artists

Nobody will ever give you any grades for your level of self- discipline. There is no finish line and there’s no podium for the winners the only purpose of building self-discipline is to conquer yourself -your urges, your weaknesses, and your self-sabotaging behaviors. Its easy to forget this fact and assume that when you reach your goals you’re done. The moment you make your dreams come true isn’t the most important.

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Rahul Maramraju
Louise Jensen
Anne Henry
Anna Nielsen
Jane Cooper
Cristofer Vaccaro