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Is Gaming The Future of The Virtual World?

Hope dies last
Anne Henry

Thakur Smayan Singh

October 15, 2022
10 Min

Gaming has harried into the mainstream sports category, owing to the massive surge witnessed during the nation-wide lockdowns.

It has now become the primary source of entertainment globally. What was erstwhile considered to be a subset of sports has now arisen as a complete industry in itself. Since the time animated pixel have made an appearance on our screens, the online gaming industry has been on an upward trajectory with developers on a mission to create a truly immersive world. With tech advancements, we are moving closer to a world where blocky scenes are turned into photo-like depictions which are almost lifelike.

Digital games were already rising as a favourite pastime prior to the global pandemic; however, the global crisis catalysed the whole process as it disrupted physical forms of entertainment. Gaming is doing a lot more than just replacing other forms of entertainment. It is creating a next-level digital three-dimensional environment wherein people can also interact with each other freely, develop good and riveting content, as well as pass on the knowledge to others in unique and innovative ways.

Built by an ingenious class of coders solely for the purpose of playing, these platforms are dramatically shaping and reshaping the future of the virtual world.

We can easily observe the increasing number of companies fixated on building virtual reality worlds and the way they are competing with each other to hold the rights over this domain. These fake worlds are even being sold for as much as a real piece of land.
ill this virtual reality become the new tomorrow? Or is it just something that we will forget in a few years to settle on Mars?

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