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To You

Hope dies last
Anne Henry

Vinitha Peddi

October 15, 2022
10 Min

To the person who can shed tears watching an emotional drama,
Why can't you see my pain?
To the person who is busy making money round the clock,
Why can't you spare a minute for me?
To the person who strove hard to gain recognition in this world,
Why couldn't you know you were my world?
To the person who always longed for love,
Why couldn't you know you were the love of my life?
To the world that wants to see me cry,
Why can't you adore my precious smile?
To the world that wants me to back-off,
Why can't you understand that that was the battle I chose?
To the world that wanted me to fail,
Why couldn't you know I've always waited for that one success?
To the world that wanted me to try for the one last time,
Why couldn't you know I was done with it?

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