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A Stranger

Hope dies last
Anne Henry

Yashwanth K

December 17, 2022
10 Min

>I look in the mirror and see
A stranger looking back at me
Who's that person standing there
With a twisted smile and tear?

My face wasn't this blue yesterday.
The veins were good and no ligament tear.
My ass was straight, my posture proud.
Who's this now that I see out there?

I could dance all through the night
Till I saw the morning light,
And then I'd nap a short time and
I'd take my morning walk again.

Now I move up when I can.
I try to strech out a little and pain floods in.
I stand up tall, at least I try,
Whom did I mess with to be in this state!

I had dreams yesterday
Wishing that life was grand.
I could call that self healthy,
But that was yesterday.

And then I find today is here,
And I look at me in that mirror.
I see me, and suddenly
I remember who i messed with.

The glass of life stands behind my image.
I look at it and smile,
What have you got in the box for me today?
And the glass winks and says,
The you of yesterday was happier the day before.

And one day looking in that mirror
A boy will see a stranger there.
And wonder where he's seen him somewhere
That person with a mask and more of tears.

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